Thursday, March 27 2025

What should be the level of blood sugar to avoid the risk of heart disease in diabetes?

What should be the level of blood sugar to avoid the risk of heart disease in diabetes?

Suffering from diabetes! Have you ever had a heart attack? In such a situation, the risk of heart disease remains. Therefore, recent research says that if the blood sugar level is under control, the risk of heart disease or stroke can be avoided. What is the blood sugar level, is it safe for a diabetic patient?

According to experts, it is normal to have a blood sugar of 5.6 percent. And if the level is more than 8.5 percent, it means that they are suffering from diabetes.

According to the survey, the amount is below 8.5 percent. At the time of the study, blood sugar samples were collected from people over the age of 60, all of whom had had a stroke at least once. In fact, according to experts, it is normal to have a blood sugar of 5.6 percent. And if the level is more than 8.5 percent, it means that they are suffering from diabetes.

The average age of each adult in the study was 7.5 percent. According to researchers, a blood sugar level higher than 7.0 percent increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Once you have a stroke or heart disease, you should try to keep your blood sugar level below 8.5 percent by any means. If so, the risk of heart disease is low.

Why are you holding hands and feet? What to do if caught
We are all familiar with the subject of 'catching' in our hands or feet. The literal name of this symptom is 'temporary paresthesia', in English it is also called 'pins and needles'. 

In addition to the temporary numbness in the part of the body where the tingling sensation occurs, a feeling is created as if numerous needles are being inserted into that part at once. However, after a while, the uncomfortable feeling of numbness and tingling goes away and the normal feeling returns.

Why is that

In the language of medical science, such a pinpin is called paraesthesia. Although the feeling of catching ji ji may seem a bit mysterious, the scientific explanation behind it is very simple. There are countless nerves all over our body that carry information between the brain and other parts of the body. There are blood vessels all over the body to supply blood to the body. There are two types of blood vessels. Arteries and veins.

If you press on any part of the body continuously for a while, the nerves and blood vessels there become obstructed. On the one hand the blood vessels cannot supply oxygen properly, on the other hand the nerves in the blood vessels or the nerves in that part prevent them from sending their sensations. After a while the pressure goes away and suddenly the supply of oxygen to the blood vessels in that part increases, the nerve sends a signal to the brain out of its sensory barrier. The brain suddenly stops and gives the feeling of coming back again by mistake. And that's what we feel - pins and needles.

It stays for a while, then goes away on its own. So many people call it temporary paraesthesia. If it happens again and again, it is a sign of a problem in the body. Such pins and needles can be due to many problems. We will discuss three main factors that are involved in our daily lives.

Pins and needles are usually more on the hands and feet. Neck, face, back, back, these places also occur.

When one of those nerves is pressed while sitting or sleeping, the blood vessels in that part of the body are also pressed.  As a result, it can catch the baby.

People with diabetes feel pins and needles in their legs when their body sugar rises. If the condition continues for a long time without treatment, the sensory capacity in different parts of the foot gradually decreases and is lost. Gradually the sensation of the feet decreases, the feet get sore, the color of the feet changes. The problem is called diabetes feet.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a type of tingling, pinching or numbness in the wrists. This is mainly for those who work on the computer keyboard for a long time. Even those who tap the phone for a long time can get pain in the wrist. There is a nerve called median nerve in the wrist, which is due to pressure on it. If you don't do such work for a long time and feel such a pin, if you shake your hand a few times, the discomfort will go away.

Tight jeans syndrome is more common in girls especially after wearing tight jeans. After a long time, there is a feeling of numbness in the thighs, waist and back. Again, if you keep the mobile phone in the pocket of such tight pants for a long time, it also puts a lot of pressure. In the language of medical science, such a problem is called mergalgia paresthetica.

Here are five techniques to get rid of temporary crickets

Relieve the nerves: Relieving the pressure from the nerves will take away the feeling of tingling. Change the posture to relax the nerves (such as sitting on your feet or sleeping with weights on your arms). That is, if it seems that the nerves are under pressure due to the physical posture, then change the position.

Move: Walking or moving will increase blood flow and the uncomfortable feeling of tingling will go away. If you are sitting on your feet, try to walk slowly or move your arms. As a result, the blood flow will return to normal and the feeling of tingling will go away in a few minutes.

Fist and open the hand: If you hold the jhi jhi in your hand or arm, fist and open the hand. Repeat the process for a while. This exercise will increase blood flow quickly and calm the nerves. The exercise is quite effective in expelling the jhi jhi feeling.

Move your toes up and down: Moving your toes (especially up and down) can be beneficial if you hold your toes. Moving the toes up and down restores blood flow to normal or increases blood flow. It eliminates the numbness of the feet.

Rotate the head from one side to the other: If you hold the jhi jhi in the arm of your hand, if you turn the head from one side to the other, the uncomfortable feeling will disappear. But the work has to be done slowly. This reduces the pressure from the nerves in the neck, which eliminates the numbness of the arm.

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