Thursday, March 27 2025

Hidden properties in spicy vegetables

 Hidden properties in spicy vegetables

It is difficult to say when people use spices in food, but it is very easy to say that the history of spices is the same as human history.

Various spices have been used to enhance the taste of food since ancient times. They add flavor and color to food and play a special role in preserving food.

These spices, especially turmeric and pepper, have recently been extensively studied.

Scientists say these spices are good for your health. So these are no longer confined to the kitchen, the medicine has arrived.

The chemical composition of spices helps in prevention and treatment of various ailments. Collecting these ingredients from spices, they are used as alternative medicines.

Bangladeshi nutritionist Nazuma Shaheen researched the spices used in everyday cooking. He is a professor at the Institute of Nutrition and Food Science, Nutaka University.

Nazuma Shaheen said many Indian spices have been used in Ayurvedic medicine for many years. However, he said, these spice ingredients have recently been used as an alternative to spices and are commercially available in developed countries.

Nazuma Shaheen said, many of us think spicy food is harmful. However, the spices used in our daily diet are very beneficial for our health.

The Japanese eat raw fish. In addition to these raw fish, they also give ginger to help digest raw fish.

Also, many spices like turmeric and garlic contain antibacterial or antibacterial ingredients.

Some spices such as fenugreek, onion, turmeric and garlic can also help prevent diabetes. This spice helps to reduce the amount of glucose in the blood.

However, some people complain that eating lots of spicy foods causes various health problems such as heartburn and gastritis.

Nazuma Shaheen said, if you eat more than you need, any food will be wasted. No matter how nutritious the food is, there is a lot to eat.

You can't eat extra. Milk and eggs are very nutritious foods, but I can’t eat as much as I like. The same goes for spices.

He said that many studies have discovered different types of ingredients in spices which are beneficial for health. Scientists have confirmed these benefits by conducting chemical analysis in the laboratory and applying it experimentally to animals and later to humans.

There is also scientific evidence behind the food that humans have developed over hundreds of years.

We eat fish from lakes, ponds and rivers. These fish contain many bacteria. Therefore, fish in our diet is first sterilized by washing with salt. After that, sprinkle with turmeric and cook for a long time before eating. However, those who eat raw fish in coastal countries are not harmed by those who eat marine fish. Because salt water does not contain bacteria.


Red pepper is reducing the amount of fat in our body. Nazuma Shaheen said capsaicin prevents plaque formation in blood vessels and blood vessels.

It regulates the liver to reduce cholesterol synthesis. In other words, it interferes with the production of bad cholesterol.


Yellow spice has been the most studied. Nutritionists say that the healing properties of essential oils have long been known. 

Nazuma Shaheen said turmeric is called a tonic for the heart. It keeps the blood thin. It also strengthens the mind.

Increases good cholesterol. This spice also helps to prevent plaque formation in the blood vessels. This yellow color enhances the body's resistance to disease.

The curcumin component of turmeric has antioxidant properties. Free radicals produced in the body for a variety of reasons can cause a variety of damage. The role of turmeric in this resistance is also important.

Protects the liver. It also helps prevent lung damage caused by nicotine. It also acts as a neuroprotective agent, which is currently being used to treat patients with Alzheimer's disease.


Turmeric helps to heal wounds. Because it acts as an antibiotic. Turmeric also plays a role in the prevention of cancer and diabetes. Yellow curcumin also protects against cataracts. 


Garlic contains sulfur or organic sulfur. This is why garlic has a strong smell.

Contains amino acids that protect the stomach from bacteria. Some bacteria can enter the stomach, usually through salads and raw vegetables, where they can cause ulcers. It can later turn into stomach cancer. Professor Nazuma Shaheen said that the amino acids in garlic hinder the progression of cancer.

Studies have shown that people who eat a lot of garlic and onions are less likely to get stomach cancer.

Garlic contains antioxidants. It also acts as an antibiotic. Cures colds and coughs. It not only cures inflammation and infections, but also strengthens the immune system and fights diabetes.


This spice helps reduce cholesterol. It also has anti-diabetic properties. Helps to lower blood sugar levels.

It also plays an important role in reducing pain in various joints of the body. It also plays an active role in allergies and digestion.


The ingredients in it have an antioxidant role.

Its ingredients help to destroy colon cancer cells. It also has the ability to cure inflammation.

Ginger strengthens the body's immune system. It also helps reduce cough, nausea and indigestion.

Nutritionist Nazuma Shaheen said that ginger is widely used in herbal medicine. This spice plays a role in the prevention and treatment of various ailments like body ailments, high blood pressure, dementia, constipation and arthritis.

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