What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

 What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a common developmental disorder of head function, which is commonly diagnosed in childhood but can also be present in adulthood. It is a genetic (birth related) and chemical (structural) and structural change-related disorder of the head. Children with ADHD are usually more energetic, have difficulty concentrating, and can work without thinking about the consequences.

A healthy child will be a little restless. Healthy children mean cheerfulness and mischief. However, the problem of overweight child is called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). In Bengal this problem is called extreme carelessness. This is a kind of neurodevelopmental problem in the baby. Parents or school teachers can identify these problems first. These symptoms usually appear in children between the ages of three and four.

Many people think that even a normal baby is very restless. But the real truth is, agility does not mean ADHD. Only children will do some mischief, it is not right to expect the same attention and patience from adults.

When to say hyperactivity

When a child's self-harm (falling, getting hurt, etc.) causes harm to others, often behaves in such a way (breaking things, hindering other people's work, etc.) or the child's social development is hampered (e.g. Does not mix with him, does not play and avoids him), then that agility is called hyperactivity.

Which shows that the child is hyperactive

Not being able to concentrate on any subject for a long time.

Running all the time, suddenly doing something without thinking.

Not being able to sit still.

■ Books and pens are often lost.

  • Jumping high.
  • Answering questions before listening.
  • Not being able to concentrate on studies or even sports.
  • Interrupting the work or speech of adults.
  • Trying to do many things at once, but not being able to finish any of them.

In most cases, the main symptoms in children with ADHD are attention deficit (inattention), impulsivity, and excessive activity. Any one of the symptoms is more common, or the combined effect of all three symptoms can be seen in a child's behavior. The most common symptom is too much activity. Among those with attention deficits, these behaviors are very intense, and they can often interfere with the quality of school or work social events. The three main features are described in detail below:


Difficulty concentrating, forgetting or losing things, difficulty performing or completing a task, difficulty following orders or discussions, difficulty moving the mind, and difficulty remembering daily work details.

Emotional and over-active

Inability to sit still for long periods of time, accident-prone, rapid restless behavior, talking in one go, annoying others, snatching things from others, speaking at inappropriate times, not giving others a turn to write or listen before speaking.

Combined size

The characteristics of both of the above symptoms can be seen equally.

What are the root causes of this disease?

The exact cause is unknown, but scientists are continuing to study the following mechanisms to prevent ADHD. Common risk factors include:


Genes play a very important role in the development of ADAD. Researchers have identified genetic variation as one of the risk factors. ADHD can also be hereditary.

Head injury

Any type of head injury or action during pregnancy can cause (manage) ADHD in both or later in life.

Drugs or drugs

If the mother of a baby uses alcohol, tobacco, cocaine during pregnancy, the baby is prone to ADHD growth.


During pregnancy, exposure to environmental contaminants such as lead is also a factor.

Congenital defects

Babies who are born prematurely or weigh very little are also at risk.

How can it be diagnosed and treated?

There is no specific test for the diagnosis of ADHD. A pediatrician or psychiatrist makes a detailed assessment of the child and can diagnose ADHD only after learning the medical and behavioral history from parents and teachers.

When you visit a doctor, he or she will ask about your child's symptoms: such as when the symptoms started, where they were seen (at home or at school), whether it affects the child's daily and social life, whether you have a family history of ADHD in your family, Whether there has been any death or divorce in the family for this reason, what is the child's growth history, and the medical history of trauma or any illness. Physicians and psychologists also use a variety of international standard tools, scales and other diagnostics to diagnose ADHD.

The symptoms of ADHD can be treated in many ways. Physicians treat it using a combination of many drugs and different therapies. Medications handle brain-related functions, while therapy determines the pattern of thinking and behavior.

Stimulants are used as common drugs, which reduce over-activation, emotion and enable the child to concentrate, perform (work) and learn. Psychotherapy is commonly used by physicians which includes behavioral therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. The child and family members are also counseled. Couples are also taught (trained) the behaviors of being a parent, and stress management programs are implemented. Children with post-traumatic stress disorder have the same symptoms as ADH but need different treatments. The most appropriate treatment depends entirely on the child and the family. A good treatment requires very close monitoring, follow-up, and, if necessary, change of therapy and treatment.

If these symptoms of hyperactivity are seen in a child under the age of seven for at least six months and if

When reading becomes interrupted, it is called ADHD.

Things to do

  • If the child has symptoms of hyperactivity, seek the help of a psychiatrist.
  • Create a routine for the baby. Everyone in the house follows the right rules. Such as sleeping at the specified time, eating at the right time and playing at the right time.
  • If you give any instructions to the child, explain it to him. Don't be rude.
  • Appreciate the child's good work, never reward him.
  • Add fresh fruits to the baby's diet by reducing the amount of artificial colors and sweets.

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